Walnuts vs Almonds
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Walnuts vs Almonds | Which One Is Best For You?

Walnuts and almonds are popular nuts that are highly nutritious and bring numerous health benefits. Both have delicious flavors but distinct differences in taste, texture, and nutritional profile. Although many use them interchangeably in different recipes, you may wonder whether one is better for you. Are you looking for the difference between walnuts and almonds? You have come to the right place. 

In this article, we will compare walnuts vs almonds and include differences in their nutritional content, health benefits, and culinary uses so that you can make an informed decision.

What Are Walnuts?


Walnuts are tree nuts of two different types: English walnuts and black walnuts. English walnuts, also known as Persian walnuts, originated in Iran, and black nuts are native to North America. 

The taste of English walnuts is mild and nutty, with a little bit of sweetness. In contrast to other nuts, these are soft and easy to chew. At the same time, black walnuts are known for their bold flavor and are very hard and challenging to crack. Both types of walnuts have an oval shape and hard shell. When we open the shell, two-lobed edible nuts of cream color look similar to a human brain. 

English walnuts are readily available at grocery stores, but black nuts are difficult to find. However, they are sometimes available in small quantities in the baking aisle and some online stores.

Walnuts are an excellent snack on their own and add flavor to baked goods, salads, and other dishes.

What Are Almonds?

Almonds are nuts produced by almond trees and are native to Central Asia. They have a hard outer shell that is tear-shaped and is cracked to get the edible nut inside, which is creamy white and covered by a thin brown skin. They are delicate and have a crunchy texture and nutty flavor. They are slightly sweet in taste with just a hit of bitterness. 

You can find almonds in many forms, such as whole almonds, sliced and slivered almonds. Usually, they are found in the bulk food section of grocery stores, baking aisle, and snack aisle. They can be used in numerous ways in cooking recipes, salads, and baking and are also processed to make almond milk or butter.

Differences Between Walnuts vs Almonds

Walnuts have a distinct nutty flavor that can be slightly bitter depending on the variety, while almonds have a slightly sweet flavor with subtle nuttiness. Both of them have high fat and low carbohydrates and also provide some amount of fiber and protein. 

Walnuts contain higher amounts of fats and calories than almonds and offer higher amounts of folate, thiamin, and vitamin B6. 

On the other hand, almonds are higher in carbohydrates and proteins and are a rich source of Vitamin E.  

Let’s compare walnuts vs almonds in detail:

1. Flavor

When comparing the taste of English walnuts to black walnuts, it becomes evident that they offer a rich, slightly bitter nuttiness that harmonizes well with a wide range of dishes. In contrast, black walnuts possess a bolder and earthier flavor profile, which, when used excessively, can dominate the overall taste.

In terms of texture, walnuts exhibit a softer consistency than almonds, but they carry a subtle hint of bitterness that sets them apart. On the other hand, Almonds boast a slightly sweet and pleasing nuttiness with a firm texture that becomes even more pronounced after roasting.

Both walnuts and almonds showcase their culinary versatility by seamlessly pairing with similar flavors, including warm spices, honey, vanilla, and the delightful decadence of chocolate. These nuts elevate the taste and texture of various dishes and desserts, enhancing your culinary creations with their unique profiles.

2. Nutritional Comparison

Walnuts and almonds have almost similar nutritional profiles. The following tables show the comparison of a 1-ounce serving of each: 

Almonds Walnuts
15 grams
18.5 grams
6 grams
4 grams
6 grams
4.3 grams
3 grams
2 grams
Vitamin E
45% of DV
1.3% od daily value (DV)
19% of DV
11% of DV

You can see that the fats, carbs, and protein content of these two nuts vary slightly, and almonds have more minerals than walnuts. However, when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts take the lead, the nuts with the highest alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) content. ALA is an essential fatty acid, which means our body can not produce it, and we must get out from different food sources. In addition, both nuts are good sources of potassium and calcium.

3. Benefits Comparison

Walnuts and almonds are full of nutrients and have several health benefits, such as blood sugar control, weight loss, and brain and heart health. Let’s compare walnuts vs. almonds in terms of health benefits.

4. Best Nuts For Keto

The keto diet is characterized by its deficient carbohydrate intake, typically limited to 25–50 grams per day, while deriving approximately 65–90% of calories from fats and 10–35% from proteins.

Nuts are considered a keto-friendly snack option, but it’s crucial to be mindful of their carb content, especially favoring those with higher fiber content. Fiber is indigestible by the body and does not contribute to calorie count. Consequently, it reduces the net carb content of a food item, calculated by subtracting the fiber content from its total carb count.

For instance, a 1-ounce (30-gram) serving of almonds contains more fiber than an equivalent serving of walnuts. However, when evaluating net carb content, walnuts have a slightly lower count than almonds — 2 grams versus 3 grams.

Despite this slight distinction, almonds, and walnuts can be incorporated into a keto diet, provided you diligently monitor your carb intake to avoid surpassing your daily limit.

5. Best Nuts For Brain Health

Regarding brain health, walnuts take the lead over almonds and other nuts. As mentioned above, walnuts contain a high amount of ALA and antioxidant content that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress-induced damage to your brain. 

According to a study, adults 20 to 59 years old with a high intake of walnuts have faster reaction times and better memory regardless of age or gender. Moreover, a study on rats suggests that walnuts can also help improve memory performance. 

On the other hand, studies on animals with a high intake of almonds suggest that they can improve memory retention, but research on humans showed that almonds do not help improve mental processing. 

6. Best Nut For Weight Loss

Nuts are often viewed cautiously in weight loss due to their high fat content and calorie density. However, recent research suggests that certain nuts, particularly almonds, may assist in weight reduction.

Studies indicate that when almonds are integrated into weight loss regimens, individuals tend to experience more significant weight loss, particularly in the abdominal area. This effect is associated with reducing visceral fat, which increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Researchers theorize that almonds’ high content of fats, proteins, and fiber may enhance feelings of fullness, leading to reduced appetite. Moreover, almonds are rich in unsaturated fats, known for their ability to promote fat oxidation and specifically target visceral fat.

Additionally, almonds have been associated with incomplete energy absorption because their cell walls impede the release of fats. As a result, the body cannot absorb all the calories from almonds.

Regarding walnuts, a study involving 293 participants reported more significant weight loss when 1 ounce (30 grams) of walnuts was included as part of a weight loss diet, compared to the control group. However, this weight loss advantage is relatively modest. Consequently, both almonds and walnuts can be included in a keto diet, provided they do not push you beyond your daily carbohydrate limit.

7. Best Nut For Heart Health

Both walnuts and almonds can contribute to heart health. Walnuts are rich in ALA, polyphenols, and phytosterols, which can reduce LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Conversely, almonds contain antioxidants like flavonoids and vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, which help lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that consuming almonds can reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels. In summary, both nuts offer heart-healthy benefits.

8. Best Nut For Blood Sugar Level

Managing blood sugar levels is particularly crucial for individuals with diabetes; in this regard, almonds are more beneficial.

Research indicates that almonds’ combination of fat, protein, and fiber can positively impact blood sugar levels. Almonds are known to slow down the emptying rate of the stomach and lower the glycemic index of a meal, reducing the rapidity at which blood sugar levels rise.

Furthermore, almond flavonoids may contribute to blood sugar control by inhibiting amylase, an enzyme responsible for accelerating the conversion of starches into sugar.

Although walnuts share similar quantities of fats, proteins, and fiber, recent studies have shown that consumption does not lead to significant changes in fasting blood sugar levels, except in one study.

9. Cost Comparison

Walnuts are usually more expensive than almonds. 

A standard 1-pound (16-ounce) bag of English walnuts typically falls in the price range of $6 to $9. In contrast, almonds are priced at approximately $5 to $7 for an equivalent quantity.

It’s worth noting that black walnuts, which are less prevalent, usually command a higher price, typically around $12 per pound.

10. Culinary Uses

Almonds and walnuts are used in different ways in recipes, and sometimes, they are also used interchangeably. The following are culinary uses of these nuts: 

  • Walnuts are commonly used in baking, salads, and topping for yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal. They are also used to make walnut oil.
  • Almonds have a wide range of culinary uses, including snacking, baking, making almond milk, and as a common ingredient in various dishes and desserts.


In conclusion, walnuts vs almonds are both powerhouse nuts with unique flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles. While they share some similarities, their differences make them suitable for various culinary applications and health goals.

If you are on a keto diet, both nuts can be incorporated, but you should monitor your carb intake as almonds have a slightly higher carb content than walnuts. For brain health, walnuts take the lead due to their high content of ALA and antioxidants. They have been associated with improved memory and cognitive function.

Almonds may have a slight advantage regarding weight loss. Both walnuts and almonds contribute to heart health, with walnuts rich in ALA, polyphenols, and phytosterols, and almonds containing antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. Ultimately, choosing walnuts and almonds can depend on your dietary preferences, health goals, and the specific recipes you’re creating.


Walnuts are slightly higher in calories and fat compared to almonds. Almonds have more protein and fiber per serving, while walnuts have more omega-3 fatty acids.

Walnuts are often considered better for heart health due to their high omega-3 fatty acid content, which can help reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels. However, almonds are also heart-healthy and can benefit cardiovascular health.

Walnuts generally have higher antioxidant levels compared to almonds. They are particularly rich in polyphenols, which have various health benefits, including protecting against oxidative stress.

Both walnuts and almonds can be part of a healthy weight management diet. Almonds are lower in calories per ounce, making them a slightly better choice if you watch your calorie intake. However, walnuts’ higher fiber content may help with satiety.

Walnuts are often associated with brain health due to their omega-3 fatty acids, which may support cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Almonds also contain beneficial nutrients for brain health, such as vitamin E.

Almonds are a better source of calcium, which is essential for bone health. However, both nuts contain magnesium, essential for maintaining strong bones.

Allergies to walnuts and almonds are possible, but almond allergies are more common. People with nut allergies should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional.

Both walnuts and almonds have a low glycemic index and can be included in a balanced diet for diabetes management. However, portion control is essential because nuts are calorie-dense.

You can eat walnuts and almonds as a snack, sprinkle them on salads, add them to oatmeal or yogurt, or use them in baking and cooking.

Both nuts are generally safe to eat but are calorie-dense, so portion control is essential, especially if you are trying to manage your weight. Also, be cautious if you have nut allergies. Raw, unsalted nuts are healthier than those with added salt and sugar.